Private Lessons

Choose a single, 4-pack or 8-pack of private lessons.

Private Swim Lessons

Dive in and click on the PRIVATE swimming package of your choice below.

To book a PRIVATE swim lesson or package, please send an email to Lisa at

The best feature of private lessons is that the client decides when and where the lessons take place. Privates also allow for more flexibility in changing scheduled lesson times in case of inclement weather, work commitments or sickness.


PRIVATE Swim Lesson Package Options:

Private 1:1 Swim Lesson

60 mins
$175 ($150 without pool rental)

1 x 60 minute in-person coaching $150/hour plus pool lane rental of $25/hour.


4-Pack Private 1:1 Swim Lessons

4 x 60 mins
$625 ($525 without pool rental)

4 x 60 minute in-person coaching $131.25/lesson plus pool lane rental of 4 x $25/hour.


8-Pack Private 1:1 Swim Lessons

8 x 60 mins
$1200 ($1000 without pool rental)

8 x 60 minute in-person coaching $125/lesson plus pool lane rental at 8 x $25/hour).


What does each PRIVATE swim lesson include?

Assessment of current strokes and individualized approach on how to improve your skills

Discussion on goals, current training schedule and upcoming races/events

Mindset and motivational support

Video Analysis & Race Tactics

Guidance on nutrition and supplementation

Guidance on strength training, core exercises and recovery protocols

Communication as needed via phone, text and/or email

I can rent a private lane for your lesson if your request is received in advance. Rental is an additional $26/hour.

If you have a current membership at the Bermuda National Stadium or if you would like to pay for the drop in fee, we will swim in a public swimming lane of your choice.

Payment is accepted online via bank transfer prior to the start of the first lesson.

*All sales are final. If you need to cancel for unforeseen circumstances, 24 hours must be provided in order to cancel a lane rental. If your request to change or cancel your booking is not received before 24 hours, a $26 pool rental fee may be charged. All packages must be used within 3 months. No Refunds.

“If you want to be your best, you have to do things you’ve never done before.” - Lisa